Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Your kids....

SUCK!!! Or should I say YOU suck???
Here is the scenario. I am in Target and there is a mother with her children at the end of the isle. One in the cart and one running around this way and that. He was a very cute boy in his little grey hat and black puffy vest, but he was obviously the devil!  The boy who is 3 maybe 4 is running up and down the isle punching the candles and glade plug-ins either back into the shelf or onto the floor, making what I assume are his idea of fighting noises as he does this. The mother is barely looking up from her texting. “Stop it. Stop it Michael,”  she repeats like eight hundred fifty four times with absolutely no authority or emotion in her voice. With as much commotion as this kid is causing I want to kick him. And then I want to punch her right in her face for not being a parent and putting him in the cart or smacking his ass. Mind you I love to text. Love it. Will do it all day long if I have some one to do it with. But if my kid is acting like a damn heathen in public I am gonna smack him on his little ass, and then return to my all important issue on the other end of my phone. The little boy was really going to town and she barely even looked up. 
Scenario two. My kid comes home from school and wants to know how to show a girl he likes her. He is eight mind you. So I tell him, well you treat her with respect and be nice to her just like you do everyone else. Not good enough for my kid. “No mom, what do IIII do? How do I show her,” the sheesh you are dumb tone coming out. That obviously wasn’t the answer he was looking for. What did he want me to say? Hold her hand, kiss her good bye? Then I was aggravated. “Boy,” I say, “you don’t DOOOO anything. You are in third grade.” (That’s right. We are having this conversation in third grade) “Your job is to pay attention and learn. You aren’t at school to be having girlfriends. You are too little for that. You go to school to LEARN,” my sheesh YOU are dumb tone shining through. ***Here’s where it gets good though. “But mom, Blake had a girlfriend since last year. But she did cheat on him once.”  “Well when you move in with Blake you can do whatever his parents find acceptable. You want me to call them?” I say.....Are you fucking kidding me? Who is raising theses kids? Do his parents not tell him he doesn’t have a girlfriend? To have a girlfriend you have to be able to GO PLACES, have money to go to these places, be able to write a note that has coherent thoughts. In my house it will be least 8th grade and even then it will be group crap, movies, mall, etc...WTF??? And how do you cheat on a 7 year old? Hold someone else's hand, sit by someone new on the bus, share your ho ho with a different boy? I mean come on people, please tell me you don’t think this is cute and are encouraging it at home.  
I am much more tolerant of stupidity in other people’s children than in my own. I taught gymnastics for 3 years and it amazed me the patience I had with these kids, knowing full well if it was my kid acting that way we would be having a rendezvous in the bathroom. Yet rarely if ever would a parent come and correct their child’s behavior. That is where I learned the plus, minus, plus rule. When I have to discuss with you your child’s behavioral problem, or how your kid is an attention hog and holding up class, or can’t listen to save his life, it always began; “Your child is very enthusiastic, we love that, but.....” After your but you child is an ass, you follow up with some made up positive. It helps to sugar coat the criticism. I recognize it in conversations with others and it makes me laugh. 
The same goes for restaurants. You want to have a nice meal but there is a baby next to you that won’t shut up. It is screaming like a banshee. I feel bad for those parents. I’m sure they want their baby to be quiet. I know when mine is upset like that I do. They obviously aren’t having the nice meal they had envisioned when they left the house. So to theses ass holes who want restaurants to be kid free...that is called a bar. Go to one or open one. You will have a lovely kid free time but don’t make bullshit ass rules because someones baby is having a rough time. It isn’t like the baby is trying to make you miserable or annoy the other patrons in the restaurant. Something is wrong with it. It’s belly hurts, it is teething, IDK but seriously?
All these liberal douche bags try to make you feel like shit for spanking your kids. You should be friends with them not punish them, they say,  and all that other stupid hippie bullshit. What has that gotten us? A bunch of kids who don’t care, don’t listen, and don’t follow rules. They expect that everything be given to them and don’t want to work for anything. Good job people. Keep up the great parenting! 
What it all boils down to is be a parent to you damn children. I can guarantee that the world isn’t gonna end if you stop texting for 5 minutes to address your unruly kid. I can also guarantee that they will have more respect for you in the long run. Smack their asses if they need it. Teach them manners and how to follow rules. Teach them to be polite and respectful. Don’t encourage them to be older than they are. They are young and care free for such a short time. Don’t rush things.  And most importantly love them like every day is your last with them.


  1. obvious solution to the kid crush: have him kick her. End result, the girl hates the boy (if you're lucky), the boy pouts in the corner and possibly learns, the girl sits in the opposite corner and learns. Right??

  2. Hahaha boy would pout in the corner. But what does the girl learn?

  3. Welcome to lovelinks! Thanks for linking up. That kid in Target sounds like he runs his household, eh? Hopefully, he has a grandma who can step in before he ends up in a youth facility for undisciplined children.

  4. Visiting from LoveLinks :) I agree. I have a child who is 11 months old, and he's really well behaved but has he ever caused a scene in a restaurant? Hell yes he has.Do I want him to? Of course not. We all want a nice, quiet meal. It's the parents who could do something and don't that are the problem..but hey...I only parent my own ;)

  5. Hello all! So excited to see new faces!. @Erika M, I can only hope he has a grandma that will whoop his little ass. @bib, I love BFFS!!! So excited to have a new one :) @Amanda, I find it hard to hold my tongue at times. I do but it requires such restraint.

  6. Thanks for the tip on the plus, minus, plus rule! Good to know. I'll keep that little rule in mind at next weeks PTC. :)

  7. Well, I'll admit I'm one of those liberal folks who don't (usually) endorse spanking, but I also don't endorse being a child's friend. And I'll admit, I'm more judgmental about parents who try to be their child's friend than parents who spank. By the way, I will absolutely steal your response to the girlfriend thing when my child is old enough to ask about it. It's seriously crazy the way kids talk about dating in elementary school!!!

  8. Kid id, I truly believe being your child's BFF is THE BIGGEST parenting fail. My ex husband wants to be my daughters BFF. It irritates me to no end and I feel he is doing her a disservice. But I can only control myself and she is well aware that the things she does around her dad she won't get away with in front of me. You are more than welcome to steal my response! Maybe you will get lucky and your kid will wait until 8th grade to like someone :)

  9. Yay! *Clapping* I don't even have kids, but I bet I'd be a better parent to some of them than their own moronic moms and dads. After working retail for six years, I have seen PLENTY of that Target kid, and felt the same way you did while witnessing that horrific abomination of parenting. I have no problem with kids and parents being friends, my mom and I are quite close and I would consider her a friend, too, but being his/her PARENT should ALWAYS, ALWAYS come first.

  10. Kerry, I'm glad you enjoyed! I do agree you can be friends with your parents but I think that comes later. When you are 8,12,17, you need your parent to parent you and not try to hang out and be cool. That is just my opinion.
